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One-Stop Smart Tuya security camera, alarm sensor, doorbell and smart home auto.

Time:2024-04-03 10:34:45 Views:

The users increasingly like to use Tuya Smart app to control home’s device, STYCO Provide one-stop Tuya Smart solution to Smart product.

Available: Smart Doorbells, Smart Security Camera, Smart alarm systems and smart home automation, the P2P connection performs as the bridge between your Smartphone and connected smart products. They are need to Wi-Fi Connection, ensuring your connect them to 2.4g band Wi-Fi or Zigbee protocol.

You can use Tuya Smart app. to control all device you connected at anywhere or any time by your smart phone. 

1. This is one of popular Portable Smart Tuya WiFi IP Camera.

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2. Smart Tuya WiFi Alarm Sensors
